This festival it has been a leap into the void, a journey full of learnings, trials and errors. Today we can see the result of the efforts that day after day we have put into our space. Now the lights are on, the actors are ready, but the true meaning of our work appears when the audience appears, so thank you for attending our invitation, we infinitely value the time you will share with us. This festival is also a celebration of life, hope, dreams and theater, and we want you to be a part of this celebration.
We also want to thank the artists who responded to our call, thank you for trusting, our space is meaningless without your presence, work and effort. Thank you for risking so much, you are the meaning of our efforts.
We also want to thank our sponsors. Without the contributions they made, it would not have been possible to continue with our festival, they allowed us to dream, and this dream materialized in the second edition of the festival that has left us with memorable memories and many lessons.
It is thanks to the trust of our sponsors that we were able to bring five different groups, from very distant places on the continent, host them with us and provide them with everything they need so that they can share the best of their art with the public that lives and visits Rhode Island.
We are very grateful to them and that is why we want to dedicate this space to them.